It's My Podcast!

The main reason why I created this blog was to simply provide an RSS feed for my podcast that I could then embedd in its official website, which can be found at But then I started thinking, "Why hide this blog? Why not make it pretty and get more listeners?" And that's what I've done.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Episode 10.09: AppVenture

I'm recording this one on a grey, rainy day, looking out the window and thinking about what kind of adventures I can have when the world starts reopening. But I'm still trying to have adventures at home. I try ordering McDonald's through the app for the first time. I share a tale of Japan, and sampling Hawaiian burgers. Over on The Streaming Report, I talk about all the Disney theme park vlogs I've been binging. And I wrap things up by talking about all the cool stuff at West Edmonton Mall I miss.

All in Episode 10.09:  AppVenutre!

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